Nature Based Solutions: What's the Problem? 自然為本的解方

講者:Simon Counsell|Independent Researcher writing on nature based solutions, offsetting, and rights-based conservation




The concept of 'Nature-Based Solutions' has been proposed as key in tackling both the crises of global climate change and global loss of biodiversity. It has been claimed, for example, that 'natural solutions' - like protecting forests and other ecosystems, and planting more trees - can account for more than a third of climate change mitigation by 2030. This talk explores whether such claims are true. It will explain where the concept originated, where it sits in global climate (and biodiversity) policy and how it is now being used in practice. It will consider what the overall/conceptual problems are, and also look at specific examples - which will include projects from which CPC is buying carbon credits to supposedly 'offset' its greenhouse gas emissions.


Simon Counsell is an independent researcher working on nature-based solutions, offsetting, and rights-based conservation. He is advisor to Survival International and the former director of Rainforest Foundation UK. He has been on the front line of campaigns to protect the world's forests for nearly three decades. Prior to his work at the Rainforest Foundation, he led international consumer and public awareness campaigns for Friends of the Earth. Simon's work has taken him to the forests of Amazonia, the Congo Basin and West Africa. He often appears on television and radio, campaigning for the rights of rainforest peoples to protect their lives and livelihoods.

「自然為本的解方」(“Nature-Based Solutions;” NbS)是近幾年全球氣候政策之顯學,從聯合國到大型生態保育團體到富裕國家政府及企業無不高談NbS。對於富裕國家遠赴貧窮國家種樹以抵減碳排的作法,投身保護熱帶雨林及當地原住民近三十年的Simon Counsell有學術象牙塔裡所缺乏的第一手觀察及多年身居第一線所累積的深厚知識。Simon Counsell是“Survival International,” “REDD monitor,” “Friends of The Earth,” “African Arguments,” “World Rainforest Movement”等團體多份重要報告的作者。
