

Arboreal Ecocriticism 

Scott Slovic, Shiuhhuah Chou

Publisher: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari 

Publication Date: 2022.12.15

Geo-spatiality in Asian and Oceanic Literature and Culture: Worlding Asia in the Anthropocene

Shiuhhuah Chou, Soyoung Kim, and Rob Wilson

Publisher: Palgrave, Macmillan

Publication Date: 2022.08.03

Surviving Democracy:  Mitigating Climate Change in a Neoliberalized World

Chien-Yi Lu

Publisher: Routledge

Publication Date: 2020.04.20



Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Agrarianism, Spirituality, and the Ecopoetics of  Hope: A Conversation in Taiwan with Norman Wirzba .Review of English & American Litersture. 42 summer  (2023),217-242.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Afterword: Re-worlding as Hope in the Anthropocene.” Geo-Spatiality in Asian and Oceanic Literature and Culture: Worlding Asia in the Anthropocene. Eds. Shiuhhuah Serena Chou, Soyoung Kim, and Rob Wilson. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Cultivating Nature.” Cambridge Critical Concepts: Nature and Literary Studies. Eds. Peter Remien and Scott Slovic. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2022.

Lu, Chien-Yi. “Human-Animal Relations in the Twenty-First Century.” Tamkang Review 51.2 (2020), 97-123.



盧倩儀。〈偽自由貿易殺人事件:巨型自貿協定與氣候緊急狀態〉,《人文與社會科學簡訊》,第20卷第4期(2019年9月),頁: 20-24。


Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Chinatown and Beyond: Ava Chin, Urban Foraging, and a New American Cityscape.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 25.1 (Winter 2018): 5-24.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “‘An Accidental Porn Star’: David Mas Masumoto, Food Pornography, and the Politics of the Food Movement.” Tamkang Review 48.1 (Dec. 2017): 1-17. Also in Ecocriticism Review 12 (Aug. 2019). Japanese translation included in Transpacific Ecocriticism. Ed. Shoko Itoh. 2019.

周序樺。〈糧/良食運動:威爾•艾倫的非裔美國城市農事詩學〉。《英美文學評論》   31 期 (2017年12月):97-114。

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Back to the City: Urban Agriculture and the Reimagining of Agrarianism in Novella Carpenter’s Farm City.” Neohelicon 44.2 (Dec. 2017): 403-15.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Agrarianism in the City: Urban Agriculture and the Anthropocene Futurity.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 43.1 (March 2017): 51-69.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “The Wild Hunt: Urban Foraging and the Alternative Food Movement.” Ecocriticism in Taiwan: Identities, Environment, and the Arts. Ed. Chia-ju Chang and Scott Slovic. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016. 133-41.


Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Claiming the Sacred: Indigenous Knowledge, Spiritual Ecology, and the Emergence of Eco-cosmopolitanism.” Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 12.1 (June 2015): 71-84.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Wu’s The Man with the Compound Eyes and the Worlding of Environmental Literature.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 16.4 (Dec. 2014): Article 3.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “In Search of a Biotic Community and an Ecocentric Self: Rachel Carson, Deep Ecology, and the Organic Metaphor.” COWRIE: A Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture 2014.2 (Dec. 2014): 59-94.


周序樺。〈有無相生:美國有機農業論述與農業倫理〉。《生態文學概論》。蔡振興 (編)。台北:書林,2013。頁221-39。

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Sense of Wilderness, Sense of Time: Mingyi Wu’s Nature Writing and the Aesthetics of Change.” East Asian Ecocriticisms: A Critical Reader. Ed. Simon C. Estok and Won-Chung Kim. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 145-63. 中文翻譯請參閱〈荒野情、時間性:吳明益的自然書寫與變的環境美學〉。

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “The Secret of Shangri-La: Agricultural Travels and the Rise of Organic Farming Discourse.” Comparative Literature Studies 50.1 (Mar. 2013): 108-19.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Barry Lopez’s Arctic Dreams: Organicism and the Relocation of the Wild.” Foreign Literature Studies 35.1 (Feb. 2013): 24-34.


Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Elegy for Yellow Butterfly Valley: The Myth of Dam Construction vs. Chung T’ie-min’s Reclamation of Hakka Heritage in Meinung, Taiwan.” An Interpretive Turn: Essays on Cultural Expressions of Art and Literature in the 19th and 20th Centuries.  Ed. Heh-Hsiang Yuan and Shu-Fang Lai. Taipei: Bookman, 2010. 225-47.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Working with Nature: David Masumoto and Organic Farming Discourse.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 35.2 (Sept. 2009): 337-54.

Chou, Shiuhhuah Serena. “Pruning the Past, Shaping the Future: David Mas Masumoto and Organic Nothingness.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 34.2 (Summer 2009): 157-74.


周序樺。國科會計畫。環境皈依:正念生態詩學與美國環境運動 2024.08-2027.07

盧倩儀。科技部計畫。從歐洲「能源貧窮」現象探討碳定價分配效果與制度設計 2022.08-2023.07

周序樺。科技部卓越計畫。重返療癒:正念飲食、園藝療法與希望政治 2022.08-2023.07

周序樺。科技部計畫。重探美國有機文學與農業運動 2022.08-2024.07

周序樺。科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫。美國有機正念三帖:安康、敬天、福德 2019.08-2022.07

盧倩儀。科技部計畫。歐盟陽光法案改革之背景分析:以氣候能源領域為例 2018.08-2019.07

周序樺。科技部計畫。美國有機農業與1970年代反文化運動 2017.08-2019.07

盧倩儀。科技部計畫。跨大西洋貿易暨投資夥伴協定(TTIP)對氣候變遷之可能影響 2016.08-2018.07

周序樺。科技部計畫。自然法則:美國早期有機農業書寫 2014.08-2017.07

周序樺。科技部計畫。安妮普露西部小說研究:由「農業」與「地景」談地方建構 2012.08-2014.07

周序樺。科技部計畫。我是雜草?:重探日裔美國農本思想與農耕書寫 2010.08-2012.07

周序樺。科技部計畫。「耕種四千年」:富蘭克林.海曼.金恩的有機農耕書寫 2009.08-2010.07